Friday, September 23, 2016

Who Am I as a Communicator

I have always excelled at public communication so it was no surprise when the communication anxiety inventory showed a low score. This score stayed in the same range with everyone that I surveyed. I chose to survey my husband who I felt knew me very well, and a close colleague from work. I was surprised, however, to see the differences in the scores for the verbal aggressiveness scale.
When I took the verbal aggressiveness inventory, I achieved a low score. This indicated according to the results that I am “respectful of the viewpoints and intelligence of others” (Rubin, Palmgreen, & Sypher, 2009). Both of the other surveys indicated that my level of aggressiveness was moderate rather than low. This indicated that I maintain a balance between respect for others and arguing fairly with them. I was also surprised to realize how I am perceived by others and my lack of patience that is evident by the way I react to other adults that I may not agree with.
Taking this inventory as convinced me that I need to be more respectful of the viewpoints of others. I also need to be able to appreciate that just as people are all uniquely different, our communication styles will also be different. It was encouraging to note that even though you may disagree with an individual’s position on an issue, you may attack the position that they hold, while still being respectful and cordial to the individual who is holding that position. This knowledge will be a critical factor as I seek to develop positive relations not only with my parents in the early childhood field but also with the persons that I will work with.


Rubin, R. B., Palmgreen, P., & Sypher, H. E. (Eds.) (2009). Communication research measures: A sourcebook. New York: Routledge.

1 comment:

  1. I found this evaluation very helpful and eye opening. I think it is a good tool to help professionals realize the areas they need to improve in. Developing positive relationships is critical in the field of early childhood education. The first step to doing so is learning how to be an effective and respectful communicator. As we move forward we can take what we have learned thus far and apply the necessary changes accordingly. enjoyed your post.
