Friday, September 2, 2016

Competent Communication

Competent Communication  
            I have a co-worker, Mrs. Nadia Rodriquez, who I think consistently demonstrates competent communication.  Mrs. Rodriquez is able to convert her thoughts into words in a very clear and concise manner. She is known to use everyday applications that clearly outline her ideas to her audience with clarity so even young persons are able to understand, while at the same time not seeming too childish for adults present. She is a very animated speaker, who understands the importance of the use of volume and tempo to keep her listeners hanging on to her words. She also uses her hands as she speaks, but not too much to distract her listening audience.
            While speaking to her students, I have seen her engaging them in the conversation, and actively listen to them when they are speaking. When giving presentations to her co-worker, she demonstrates good eye contact with the audience and involves them as well to keep their interest. She is a keen listener, who responds to questions respectfully without putting others down. Mrs. Rodriquez demonstrates an excellent command of the ‘Queen’s English’ the official tongue of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, while also be quite capable of the local dialect when interacting informally with friends.

            I would gladly model some of my own communication behaviors after Mrs. Rodriquez’s. When she speaks, she is able to command the attention of her listeners. She has the ability to put her words together in a manner to make her point in a way that is witty and interesting. As I seek to advocate for my children and their families, there will be times when I will have to speak concerning issues to a group of persons. At these times I would want to be able to grab my audience’s attention, and to keep them focused on the issues at hand, and to influence them to make specific changes. This is one example where competent communication is vital. 


  1. Wow Dellareece! Ms. Rodriquez sounds like the type of teacher we should want to model our teaching practices after. I like how you state that she has great command of the 'Queen's English' and that you see that as a quality unlike in America where great command of 'The King's (or Standard) English' is often frowned upon.

  2. Hello Dellarece,

    Ms. Rodriquez is someone that I would want to model my teaching practices after. It takes a special person to teach and keep students engaged. It's all in how you phrase your wording to keep students interested in what you're saying. I definitely want to model my communication behavior after her to have effective communication with the children and families I serve. Great post!
