Saturday, April 23, 2016

International Early Childhood Field

Three consequences of learning about the international early childhood field:

1.       Global awareness and the realization that educational systems around the world have similar issues and concerns and a common goal which is the well-being of the children being served.

2.       Forging international relationships and resources that strengthen and buffer my collection and be available for use as the need arises.

3.       Tweaking my professional passion for excellence and equity and the belief in a high-quality education accessible to all children.

One goal related to international awareness of issues and trends and the spirit of collegial relations:

Adding my colleagues from these early childhood courses to my professional resources is a goal of mine. The intellect and passion for the field resonate with many of my colleagues and the establishment of collegial and long-term relationships would be beneficial to us all.                           

To all of my colleagues, a most sincere thank you for contributing to my growth over these past eight weeks. To Dr. Shephard, thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us. I appreciate all of your professionalism, kindness, and words of encouragement during this course. 

May God richly bless all of you! 


  1. As I was looking at the clipart with puzzle pieces and "colleagues" standing on top of each piece, I couldn't help but think about when all the pieces are put together the strength of the foundation that is built for children when we all come together as an early childhood community regardless of where we are on the globe! We all want what is best for every child and our bond is strong when we unify together!!

  2. Dellarece,

    International awareness has given me a wealth of perspectives and insights. Basically, no matter where people may live, I believe that we all share the same sentiment when it relates to our children.

    However, it is good to note that some governments are getting aboard in regards to advocating for early childhood education.

    Thanks for all of your great responses and feedbacks. We need to stay connected as professionals so that we may remain the professionals that we have come to be.


  3. Your blog reports from another country has been very informative and insightful to me. It has raised my awareness about how interesting collaborating with others on the issues of importance to them in their part of the world can often be similiar to ours here in the United States.

    It has been a pleasure to read your blog each week. God bless you on your continued journey in education.
