Sunday, March 6, 2016

Professional Contacts

Part One—Establishing Professional Contacts
Initially, for the Blog assignment I felt stumped. I tried to contact individuals from the resources to no avail. It then came to my mind that I had just spent the Christmas holidays on South Andros an island in The Bahamas with a couple who lived in Guam. Both of them worked at a High School one as a nurse and the other as a principal. I still had the contact for them and called immediately. Mr. Mark, the high school principal and has confirmed that he will introduce me to at least two professionals in the early childhood field that I can contact and communicate with. For the second professional, I spoke with a teacher I knew who was from Jamaica. She has promised to contact two early childhood professionals living in Jamaica. I am looking forward to communicating with any of these three professionals.

Part Two—Expanding Resources

For the second part of this assignment I initially chose the Zero to Three Organization. After subscribing for their newsletter and browsing the website I found many of their web pages down or not updated. Also, the newsletter was distributed monthly with the next one due on the first of April. As a result, I decided to look at another organization. The NIEER (National Institute for Early Education Research) had a user-friendly website which was up to date and had a number of interesting topics for me to research. Therefore, I will use the NIEER organization for research. The web address for NIEER is

1 comment:

  1. Great choice to do research and to get email addresses for Part 1, you may want to try Global Alliance NAEYC. This site has contacts all over the world. Good Luck!
