Sunday, February 14, 2016


My Supports

As a Christian, I recognize that my ultimate support comes from God. He is my Sustainer and Provider. Without His provisions of health, strength, and the very air I breathe I would not be able to do anything.

Man was created as social beings. As a result of this, my secondary support comes from my family and loved ones. My husband Elgin is a tower of strength to me. He supports my goals and allows me the space I need, and gives me the resources to accomplish them. He loves me despite my faults and I know he wants me to be happy. My daughter Erin looks us to me and motivates me to set good examples for her to follow. She is a constant reminder to me to keep working hard, and not give up. My sister and I share our joys and discouragements. She is a ‘straight shooter’ who lets me know exactly what she feels and does not sugar coat when I am wrong. I did not choose her, but I would if I could.

My friends provide another source of support for me. Their words of encouragement and advice helps in my decision-making process. I can always look to them for a good laugh to shake the weight of my everyday routines and give me a dose of energy to carry on.

A number of my colleagues support me in my professional life. I am fortunate to have a head of department who assists me with any concerns I encounter in my classroom and helps me brainstorm solutions to challenges I present.

Without the supports I experience, life would be unbearable if not impossible. Without God there would be no life. Without my family I would be lonely, and unfulfilled. Life would be difficult with the help I can count on from my family. Although I may still have the income that my job provides I would be poor without the love of my family. I would be nervous and unsure without the constant stability that my family provides.  Without my friends life would lack the extra sparkle and variety that they bring.  

If I were about to open an early learning center of my own I would need the support of family and friends. I would need the support of my husband and family in many different ways. I would need the financial support of my husband as the first few months of business any income could be negligible. My family would be needed for assistance with caring for my daughter, and being a sounding board for ideas and problems as they come up. I would need the support of my colleagues for provision of professional resources and the sharing of strategies and best practices that could be employed at my program. 


  1. I have seen a huge trend with this weeks blog assignment, nearly every blog that I have read includes their family and their coworkers a very important support in out lives. I know I would be lost without mine! It was great to read your supports and see how others encourage you. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Dellarece,

    I love that you included God as a support because He is our all in all. I agree that family, friend, and co workers can be of huge support at any time and they often do not even realize it. We can have all of the money in the world but without the happiness of our loved ones, how would we make it through our toughest times? Many pray for financial wealth and I find myself doing the same at times, but when it comes to having happiness in my home and the health and strength of the ones I love, I would take being poor any day. I love that you shared your thoughts and we share some mutual feelings about our support system!

  3. Dellarece,

    I enjoyed your post and I love that our post is similar like a lot of the posts I have seen. But what I loved most was that you added God on your list of supports and as #1 He is the ultimate support and without him none of us would be here. I truly have faith in that. I also like that you put your colleagues as support, this is a great addition because they are people that we work with and deal with every day and they are apart of our lives in a major way as well just like our family and friends for support.

  4. After reflecting on your mention of GOD, I feel having a meaningful purpose in my life makes me feel close to GOD and like you, my family, including my cats gives me the peace, love and joy I need to succeed. Thanks for sharing your post.

  5. Dellarece,
    I have to begin by saying your blogs and discussion posts are always so head on. We seem to share some of the same supports, but I failed to mention my colleagues. My colleagues are always so motivational and helpful. Often it seems as though we bring out the best in one another. Thank you for helping me to realize the value of my colleagues as my support as well.
