Monday, October 10, 2016

On the Adjournment!

The hardest group that I had to adjourn from was the one where there was a great sense of cohesion and unity. It consisted of a group of educators in the early learning field who were given the task to demonstrate practical uses of play for the benefit of the students.  The group was well organized with effective leadership, excellent communication, and clear goals. Friendships were formed as we had common individual goals and beliefs as well. As we adjourned we exchanged contact information and promises to keep in touch. To date, this was the best professional group that I have had the privilege of being a part of.

As I anticipate the adjournment stage of this master’s degree group of colleagues I believe it will be bitter-sweet. While I have not met any of my colleagues physically, we have bonded over our common goals of love for children and the desire to better ourselves and therefore it will be a little sad to come to the end. It will also be a joy to say goodbye, however, as it will mean that I am one step closer to the goals I have given myself. Adjourning is an essential stage in teamwork as it is during this stage that the team members can reflect on the successes and failures of the group. Reflection provides an opportunity to see what could have been done better, as well as which methods worked well and could be repeated. So although adjourning could be difficult sometimes it is essential to effective teamwork. 


  1. Dellarece,
    I have enjoyed your posts throughout the past eight weeks. Thank you for sharing personal insights and experiences to further our understanding of communication. Good luck in next steps toward professional development!

  2. Dellarece,
    You have an important voice for the sake of children. I have enjoyed reading your post. Your passion for children and this industry truly shines through. Much success to you and may you continue to communicate on behalf of children and teacher leaders every where.

  3. Dellarece,

    It has been a great pleasure being one of your colleagues during this academic journey. Truly, we all have shared our many experiences, and intimate encounters, as it relates to early childhood development. We have reflected on our past experiences, which were pleasure as well as unpleasant. Nevertheless, my response to you is to continue to strive for a higher level of excellence and many children as well as their families will benefit from your professionalism. May God bless you in all of your future endeavors!

