Saturday, June 4, 2016


For this week’s assignment, I explored early childhood in Australia through the website . Early Childhood Australia (ECA) has been the voice for children in Australia for more than 75 years. As I read the research topics on the early childhood website I realized that the issues and concerns in early childhood are similar across the global platform. Some of the topics addressing these concerns include, ‘Supporting literacy learning in the early years’, ‘Connecting with babies’, Documenting children’s learning’, ‘Connecting with toddlers’, and ‘Inclusive pedagogy from a child’s perspective’.

One report that I found to be quite interesting was the Start Early program that seeks to bring an end to violence within families. The Start Early modules promote respectful relationships for life a program that they believe can help fight gender stereotypes which in turn can help negate attitudes that support violence. I was also surprised to note that Australia’s national quality standards are promoting sustainability efforts in early childhood, teaching young children about their responsibility to care for the environment. All of their early learning services are required to promote and be involved in sustainability. This is quite rewarding to discover especially seeing the times we live in with all the negative occurrences related to our global environment.

The importance of healthy eating and physical activity established in early childhood was the focus of another interesting article. The article also pointed out the importance of parents and other significant adults modeling these lifestyle habits for young children. Also of note was the encouragement of adults talking to and teaching young children about the importance of healthy nutrition and active lifestyles. A healthy diet and active lifestyle can affect not only the physical but also the mental and social development of young children for the duration of their lives.


  1. Dellarece,

    You came across several interesting topics. I especially liked the topic on healthy eating lifestyles. Truly, children mimic the behaviors of their parents and the adults that have front row seats in their life. Therefore, I do believe, that it is imperative that we as adults continue to model healthy lifestyles before our children in the classroom as well as at home.

    I enjoyed reading your post!


  2. I took time to explore the same website! I thought the website shared a great deal of useful and important information. I really liked how the site discussed the importance of adults modeling healthy behavior for children. Thanks for sharing!

  3. This website seems very interesting and worth exploring. I especially was drawn to the topic of healthy eating in children. Children definitely need reinforcement in this area and need guidance in this area from us. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi Dellarece,
    I too, love a lot of the ideas presented on this website -- from respectful relationships to healthy eating and living for life! I also learned that NAEYC and ECA have a lot in common, as well. It seems like such a small world with technology at the helm. Thank you for sharing.
