Saturday, September 26, 2015

Motivational Quotes

“One thing we have learned is that children come to us dramatically different one from the other”.

Samuel J. Meisels Ed.D
Erikson Institute
President Emeritus

“Our greatest hope is that it’s not just the responsibility of parents and individuals with intellectual disabilities to be advocates and ambassadors but the classmates, the co-workers, the neighbors, the members of religious communities”.

Ann Turnbull Ed. D.
Ross and Marianna Beach
Distinguished Professor Emerita

“Teaching was very rewarding. It made me feel whole and creative and it became my life-long work”.
“The pre-school years are critical. They are the first most fundamental period when children are noticing who they are”.

Louise Derman-Sparks
Professor Emeritus
Pacific Oak College, CA

“We as professionals in the Early Childhood field have an opportunity to shape a child’s life for the better, so that’s what makes me passionate about this field”.

Sandy Escobido
Deputy Field Director
Los Angeles Preschool Advocacy Initiative
California Community Foundation

“My passion comes from wanting to make a difference… I’m not here to save the world.  I’m here just to make a difference in the community that I’m working. Making a difference may sometimes mean helping one child to be more successful in the classroom”.

Raymond Hernandez MS Ed.D
Executive Director
School of Early Childhood Education
University of Southern California

Laureate Education Inc. (n.d.) Sectors in the Early Childhood Field. Retrieved from

Meisiels, S. (2004). Should We Test 4-year-olds? Pediatrics. Retrieved from

Turnbull, A, (2009). Attitudes Toward the Intellectually Disabled Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Dellarece - I suppose it isn't fair to have favorites, and I've never been one to say life IS fair :). Your blog is something I always look forward to. I can't tell you how excited I was to have you comment on any of my posts - your ability to encourage and support your colleagues is nothing short of inspiring. From your very first post to the last, your unwavering commitment to create positive waves throughout all areas of the early childhood kept me "keepin' on". I chose to comment on this post because when I reread the quote from Raymond Hernandez, I can easily imagine this coming from you. So, thank you, Dellarece. Thank you for reminding me there is so much good still left in the world - and I have been honored to begin our Master's journey with you.

    Thanks lady....
