Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Part 1: Position Statements and Influential Practices
·         Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families. (2010). Infant-toddler policy agenda. Retrieved from

·         Turnbull, A., Zuna, N., Hong, J. Y., Hu, X., Kyzar, K., Obremski, S., et al. (2010). Knowledge-to-action guides. Teaching Exceptional Children, 42(3), 42-53.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Part 2: Global Support for Children's Rights and Well-Being

·         Websites:

o    World Forum Foundation
This link connects you to the mission statement of this organization.

o    World Organization for Early Childhood Education
Read about OMEP's mission.

o    Association for Childhood Education International
Click on "Mission/Vision" and "Guiding Principles and Beliefs" and read these statements.

Part 3: Selected Early Childhood Organizations

·         National Association for the Education of Young Children

·         The Division for Early Childhood

·         Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families

·         Harvard Education Letter

·         FPG Child Development Institute

·         Administration for Children and Families Headstart's National Research Conference

·         HighScope

·         Children's Defense Fund

·         Center for Child Care Workforce

·         Council for Exceptional Children

·         Institute for Women's Policy Research

·         National Center for Research on Early Childhood Education

·         National Child Care Association

·         National Institute for Early Education Research

·         Voices for America's Children

·         The Erikson Institute

Part 4: Selected Professional Journals Available in the Walden Library

·         YC Young Children
·         Childhood
·         Journal of Child & Family Studies
·         Child Study Journal
·         Multicultural Education
·         Early Childhood Education Journal
·         Journal of Early Childhood Research
·         International Journal of Early Childhood
·         Early Childhood Research Quarterly
·         Developmental Psychology
·         Social Studies
·         Maternal & Child Health Journal
·         International Journal of Early Years Education

Early Childhood Resources I recommend

  • – Includes articles, activities and crafts
  • ·      -- Includes lesson plans, technology tips and professional development
  • ·         Early Childhood Today Scholastic  -- Includes behavior and development, community involvement and school home connections
  • ·         Early Childhood Teacher Blog -- Includes Teacher communities, classroom materials
  • · –Includes articles, furniture, free resources

I would recommend the following book. I believe that play is a very important factor in child development. The articles in the book show ways to connect play with learning from infancy through to early primary grades.

By Holly Bohart, Kathy Charner, & Derry Koralek, eds.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Motivational Quotes

“One thing we have learned is that children come to us dramatically different one from the other”.

Samuel J. Meisels Ed.D
Erikson Institute
President Emeritus

“Our greatest hope is that it’s not just the responsibility of parents and individuals with intellectual disabilities to be advocates and ambassadors but the classmates, the co-workers, the neighbors, the members of religious communities”.

Ann Turnbull Ed. D.
Ross and Marianna Beach
Distinguished Professor Emerita

“Teaching was very rewarding. It made me feel whole and creative and it became my life-long work”.
“The pre-school years are critical. They are the first most fundamental period when children are noticing who they are”.

Louise Derman-Sparks
Professor Emeritus
Pacific Oak College, CA

“We as professionals in the Early Childhood field have an opportunity to shape a child’s life for the better, so that’s what makes me passionate about this field”.

Sandy Escobido
Deputy Field Director
Los Angeles Preschool Advocacy Initiative
California Community Foundation

“My passion comes from wanting to make a difference… I’m not here to save the world.  I’m here just to make a difference in the community that I’m working. Making a difference may sometimes mean helping one child to be more successful in the classroom”.

Raymond Hernandez MS Ed.D
Executive Director
School of Early Childhood Education
University of Southern California

Laureate Education Inc. (n.d.) Sectors in the Early Childhood Field. Retrieved from

Meisiels, S. (2004). Should We Test 4-year-olds? Pediatrics. Retrieved from

Turnbull, A, (2009). Attitudes Toward the Intellectually Disabled Retrieved from

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My Personal Childhood Web

My Personal Childhood Web - Dellarece Hepburn

My Mother (Hazel Cleare) chose her career so she could be home with her children after school and doing the holidays. She was a strict disciplinarian, but she was also very loving. I can remember hearing my mother pray for me, calling my name. That assured me of her love for me and encouraged me to do my best so that I would not disappoint her.  Education was very important to mom, so it was a matter of fact that we would go to college and get our degrees. I am a teacher today because of her example, expectations, and her encouragement.

Mom & Dad

My Dad (Willard Cleare) was the major provider in my family. He left early in the morning to begin work, then returned home to take my mom, and us children to school. Daddy did a lot of reading and was very knowledgeable. This fostered a love for books in me. I knew he always expected me to do well in school. Daddy would challenge me to estimate how much change he had in his pocket at the end of the day, first giving just a quick glance. This kindled my love for mathematics today. I felt special whenever he would refer to me as his "pumpkin". I loved the way he showed love to my mom. This always made me feel secure in my family.

Dellarece and Marissa
My sister (Marissa Cleare-Wilson was my "boss". I looked up to and loved my sister, and was in awe of her. She took care of me. Re-c taught me how to care for others. When I was outside playing with my brothers and friends, she stayed home and took care of our sick grandmother. When our mom went away to school for a few months she cooked and cleaned for the family. She showed her love by helping to fix things that were broken when I was frustrated and could not repair them. I am now the person always helping people, and trying to solve their problems, because I watched my sister, and my mother do this over and over while I was growing up. 

Louis and Marissa

Big Brother and Sister

My brother (Louis Cleare) was and still is very adventurous. It was Louie that influenced the spirit of adventure, and the can-do attitude that I have today. I felt very special and wanted when he allowed me, a girl, to join him and my other brothers when they went 'exploring' the surrounding communities where we grew up. My brother also loved to read like my dad and influenced me to be a reader also. When we walked home from school on Fridays Louie always protected me from stray dogs, and other children that tried to bother us. I felt proud to be Louis' little sister and knew that I was safe with him. 

My cousin (Vanessa Miller) was like an older sister to me. I knew I was special to her because she took me with her many times when she traveled. Van was very smart and won many academic awards. This influenced me to work hard in school so that I could win awards also. She always went after her goals until she accomplished them. Her influence was a long-term catalyst for my applying to graduate school. I felt that I would be letting her down if I didn't continue on the path of academic achievement.

Today my family is still closely knitted together by the cords of love and mutual respect. 

I hope to pass on this love to the families of the children I have the privilege of interacting with inside my classroom.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Personalizing My Blog

Personalizing My Blog:
I knew I wanted to work with children when I was only a child myself. This awareness came to me at the age of ten when I had the opportunity to share the love of Christ with children in a group home in my community. I was moved by the children I met and had the fortune to interact with. One little girl, Tiffany, (I can still remember her name) left an indelible mark on my heart. I pleaded with my mother for weeks to adopt Tiffany, but she said that she and my father were barely able to feed the children they had, and could not afford to bring another child into our home. I have never given up on my dream to work with children and today it is still my passion to be a children’s advocate, a voice when their voices cannot be heard.

My Family
I am the fourth child out of five children to my mom and dad. My mother always said that she chose teaching so she could also spend time with her own children. She was determined to come home in the evening with her children, and to be there during the school holidays. This made me realize how important we were in my parent’s lives. I learnt that my mom felt that the early years of a child were crucial in there development, and therefore she wanted to be around to help shape the lives of myself and my siblings to ensure that we developed into well rounded adult who played a positive role in our society.

The Cleare family

This is my Aunt Mina, my mom’s sister. She played a very important part in my life. As an elementary school teacher she demonstrated her love for her students. Watching her and my mom work with their children, inspired me to want to be an early education professional also.

My sister (left) and I were always very close, as the only girls surrounded by boys. Both of us work in the field of education. I believe education is in our blood passed on from our mother and two aunts. :)
Re-c and Monique

Inspirational Quote
 I totally concur with the words of Louis Pasteur. When I interact with children their innocence brings out a protective nature in me. The unconditional love that they show, pulls on my heart string and compels me to love them in return. Having taught in early childhood as well as middle school in the same educational system, I have had the pleasure of teaching children in K-5 and then again years later in grade 8. I have therefore been able to see how many of them have matured and I can easily see the potential of what they could be years later. As a result I must be respectful to them based on the individual that they are now, and the professional that they may be in the future.
Louis Pasteur pic
“When I approach a child, he inspires in me two sentiments: tenderness for what he is, and respect for what he may become.” -Louis Pasteur-
My Favorite Children’s Book  
Guess How Much I Love You is one of my favorite children’s books. The words are meaningful and reassuring for children while the actions help them to better understand and articulate how they love and are loved in return. My daughter and I read this book as a nightly ritual to express our love for each other. I feel confident that this assurance of love and of being accepted was for my daughter a spring board that supported her and helped her to succeed as she entered the realm of early childhood education.

Guess how much I love you

These are just a few snippets  of my life. As we continue on this journey together I hope to share more of who I am with you. Isn’t it amazing how this wonderful invention, the internet, has allowed us to get to know each other. It diminishes distance with the stroke of a key.
Welcome to my world.

Louis Pasteur. (n.d.). Retrieved September 11, 2015, from Web site:
McBratney ,S., & Jeram, A. (2015). Guess How Much I Love You. Retrieved from